Services & Booking


Relax and unwind at the L’Arbre D’Ange by the swimming pool. The swimming pool opens from June until September during the hours of 8am until 7pm.

All bookings include a continental breakfast which is served in the Dining Room. Breakfast is served between 7:30 until 9:30.


Free Parking is available only 100 meters away from L’Arbre D’Ange opposite St Martial Church. Assistance to offload cases at the L’Arbre D’Ange is no problem.

For the comfort and safety of all guests we do not allow smoking in any part of the house or The Garden Room. We politely request that you smoke outside in the Garden.


If for any reason you need to cancel a booking, we would appreciate notification no later than 24 hours prior to scheduled check in.

We are a very small business and can only accept cash payments, French cheque or bank transfer by arrangement prior to arrival. Cash payments can be made in Euros or Sterling.

Room Rates

Price per night, based on 2 people sharing (4 people for the suite).

French Room Garden Room Suite
70 € 85 € 125 €